Dangerous Drugs


Dangerous Drugs

Pharmaceutical companies are experienced at fighting lawsuits. When you need to file a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company, it’s important to have an attorney experienced in the complexity of pharmaceutical litigation on your side to stand up to these big companies with their virtually unlimited resources.

Despite regulations seeking to protect the public from defective and dangerous drugs, many medications slip through the cracks and lead to complications and side effects that can prove lethal for some patients. When a pharmaceutical company harms patients, through failing to warn consumers, improper labeling, inadequate testing, or other actions, they can be held liable for the injuries they caused. If your trust in your medication has been violated and you have been harmed, you may be able to seek compensation for your injuries.

Our current pharmaceutical liability cases include:

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    At Blizzard Greenberg, we understand choosing an attorney to represent you can be overwhelming. We work closely with clients to make them feel comfortable, informed and heard. All of our attorneys pursue their cases aggressively and passionately to make sure our client’s best interests are protected. With our extensive track record of success, you can be sure your case is in good hands. Find out how we can help during a free, no obligation consultation.

    Birth Defects Litigation

    A number of drugs, such as Celexa, Lexapro, and Zofran, have been linked to birth defects such as heart defects, lung defects, undeveloped organs, and facial deformities. Many mothers were treated with prescription medications while pregnant, causing damage to their children in utero. If your child was born with birth defects that may have been caused by prescription medication ingestion during pregnancy, you may qualify to seek legal redress.

    Experienced Pharmaceutical Law Firm

    If you have been injured or lost a family member due to a defective or dangerous drug, the dangerous drug lawyers at Blizzard Greenberg PLLC are here to help. For a free case review from an experienced pharmaceutical lawyer, contact us by email or call us today. All pharmaceutical liability cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, meaning you won’t owe us anything unless we help you recover compensation.

    Talcum Powder

    Talcum body powder, commonly found in baby powder, has been medically linked to an increased risk in women developing ovarian cancer. Juries have already awarded some victims millions in damages for their injuries, some of which were fatal.


    Thousands of patients in the United States rely on a blood pressure medication called Valsartan to help manage their blood pressure. In July 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned the drug could have been contaminated with N-nitrosodimethylamine or NDMA, a probable human carcinogen. After the FDA warning, three companies selling Valsartan recalled thousands of bottles from the market.

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    At Blizzard Greenberg, we understand choosing an attorney to represent you can be overwhelming. We work closely with clients to make them feel comfortable, informed and heard. All of our attorneys pursue their cases aggressively and passionately to make sure our client’s best interests are protected. With out extensive track record of success, you can be sure your case is in good hands. Find out how we can help during a free, no obligation consultation.